Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Country livin' UGH!!!

Ewwww! My daughter saw a mouse in the house this morning, I HATE MICE! And now the damn thing is tormenting me! It ran into the room right in front of me and under the couch I was sitting on! I hurried and put my shoes on and decided to try to smoosh him with a broom (gross I know but it would get the job done and I wouldn't have to touch him) Anyway, the couch is pretty heavy and I couldn't move it AND hold the broom so I gave it to my daughter and moved the couch real fast. Then, the mouse was exposed but I learned real quick that little girls who love hamsters aren't any help in the smooshing of rodents that are nearly the same size as thier beloved now Mr. Mouse is back hiding out behind the stove in the kitchen...GRRRRR!! I'll get him yet...